Buy/Sell Currencies
Faster & Easier

It Works Simply Like

Choose Your Currency Pair

The overall process of online buying currency is easy to pick up, all you need to do is to select the currency you have, and the currency you want after the buying/selling process.

Add The Amount

It's one of the safest ways of online buying currency/selling within a minute, all you need to do is to enter the exact amount that you want to buy from another currency.

Provide The Basic Details

One of the best online solutions for buying/selling your currency globally as per your comfort zone, all you need to do is just enter all the basic details and you're done with buying/selling currency in just a minute.


What is Ewallet Exchange Now?

Exchange your currency instantly and securely around the world using an E-Wallet Exchange Now. It allows you to exchange, buy or sell your currencies digitally across multiple e-wallets.

How can I start selling currencies?

All you need to do is click on the sell page and select the currency pair, enter the amount you want to sell, and fill in all the required details, you can click on the sell now button and our team will contact you for further communication.

How long will the selling process take?

After your details have been verified by our team, it will only take up to a few minutes for completing the transaction.

Do you offer globally?

Yes, our service are available globally, you can use our services from anywhere at any time.

Does your website provide a secure service?

Yes, our services are absolutely safe to use and we operate within the legal boundaries of all the e-wallets that we have partnered with to provide world class encryption and keeps your data secured.

What are the benefits of using your service?

We allow our customer to exchange their currency from an immense range of E-wallets that too all in one place. The entire process is streamlines in such a way that you would not have to worry about any nifty details.

Buy/Sell Foreign Currency

The smartest, safest and the most economical way